Группа RBI – девелоперская компания. Это значит, что мы занимаемся недвижимостью всесторонне: от приобретения земельного участка и проектирования нового объекта строительства, до реализации квартир, коммерческой недвижимости и апартаментов.
Миссия Группы RBI – делать мир вокруг лучше и людей счастливее. А задача RBI OK – чтобы сразу после переезда у вас дома было всё хорошо: красиво, светло, тепло, уютно. Именно так, как хотите вы и ваши близкие!
С 2010 года RBI OK (ранее под именем «ОтделМастер»)
выполняет отделочные работы в квартирах Группы RBI. Сегодня мы выходим на новый уровень и предлагаем свои услуги всем желающим в Санкт-Петербурге и Ленинградской области.
Max Holden
Founder & Art Director
Max invented our company. He is the father of our main goals and values. He has founded first core members of our team and helped them to show their unique talents in work process.
Lucy Good
Design Director
Julia takes care of everything you can see. She spent five years in London learning visual communication. She uses her knowledge to make the world a little more beautiful.
Eva Stark
Customers Support
Eva is the voice of our brand. She spends hours to make our clients feel care and enjoy communication with the company. If you have any suggestions or ideas you can write her.
Max Holden
Founder & Art Director
Max invented our company. He is the father of our main goals and values. He has founded first core members of our team and helped them to show their unique talents in work process.
Lucy Good
Design Director
Julia takes care of everything you can see. She spent five years in London learning visual communication. She uses her knowledge to make the world a little more beautiful.
Eva Stark
Customers Support
Eva is the voice of our brand. She spends hours to make our clients feel care and enjoy communication with the company. If you have any suggestions or ideas you can write her.
Max Holden
Founder & Art Director
Max invented our company. He is the father of our main goals and values. He has founded first core members of our team and helped them to show their unique talents in work process.
Lucy Good
Design Director
Julia takes care of everything you can see. She spent five years in London learning visual communication. She uses her knowledge to make the world a little more beautiful.
Eva Stark
Customers Support
Eva is the voice of our brand. She spends hours to make our clients feel care and enjoy communication with the company. If you have any suggestions or ideas you can write her.
Max Holden
Founder & Art Director
Max invented our company. He is the father of our main goals and values. He has founded first core members of our team and helped them to show their unique talents in work process.
Lucy Good
Design Director
Julia takes care of everything you can see. She spent five years in London learning visual communication. She uses her knowledge to make the world a little more beautiful.
Eva Stark
Customers Support
Eva is the voice of our brand. She spends hours to make our clients feel care and enjoy communication with the company. If you have any suggestions or ideas you can write her.